Thursday, October 30, 2014

Bear's Den // Lincoln Hall (Chicago, IL) // 10.28.14 Review

i was lucky enough to be given the opportunity to shoot and review my first show on tuesday. how excited was i? like BEYOND excited!! not only because, duh, that's awesome, but also because it happened to be for a band that i adore and at my most favorite chicago venue, ever. Win.Win.

just wanted to share that with you! for the full review of the show please visit the 
Portraits of Sound  website. i would be so happy to have your support. :)

shooting a live show certainly has its obstacles, low light, bright spotlights, maneuvering the crowd, and do not even get me started on the red LED lights.. for the love of everything, nooooo! it is like a photographer's hell! but it was so much fun, and i love that environment. i felt alive doing something i love. hmmm, maybe i am on to something here. ;)

here are some shots from the show. 

have a great day, and don't forget to check out the review at the Portraits of Sound page. (shameless plug, shameless plug).