Friday, October 31, 2014

let's dress up and be someone else for the day.. halloween rocks

i love halloween. mostly because i love to play dress-up. i mean, come on!

each year the kid and i (Renata) like to come up with costumes that can be put together by rummaging through thrift shops. we typically like to portray strong women of some sort. maybe a big middle finger to the "sexy" costume trend, but more so because it is far more fun and we love to use our noodle with creative ideas.

two years ago Renata and I both dressed as Rosie the Riveter. that was such a great costume. last year she opted to dress as the creeptastic girl from the movie The Ring. OK, not exactly a "strong woman" in the same sense as Rosie, but hey, it was awesome. she stuck out like a sore thumb in the halls of her high school surrounded by gals dressed as cutesy cowgirls etc.. it was pretty hysterical.

i had a great Amelia Earhart costume last year. unfortunately i fell asleep before going out and well, no one ever saw it. :/

this year Renata and I went for a classic look. a 50s housewife straight out of Pleasantville, and let me tell you, it is FANTASTIC! some may argue that this plays into some pretty offensive female stereotypes, but i disagree. women certainly have come a long way, although there is still a lot of progress to be made in our society's views of us, but there is nothing NOT powerful about the 50s housewife.

this is the women who kept everything together, the glue of the family. she cooked, she cleaned, she reared the children- most likely on her own- she was everything, and we salute her today. :)

i hope you all have an amazing Halloween, get lots of candy, have many laughs, and make lovely memories.